NTXAppHouse, North Texas App House, develops Mobile Apps for Apple iOsĀ® with the goal to make easily accessible applications convenient for sports parents, coaches, managers, and spectators alike. Easily accessible on the wrist and connected to your iPhone.
In addition, NTXAppHouse provides user experience and graphic design for customers needing a mock-up of their app.
Our app, Soccer Game Keeper, is easily accessible on your Apple Watch and designed with the two primary needs in mind, scorekeeping and timekeeping.
Featuring a score function for both the home and away teams, a countdown timer, AND now a count-up function to account for stoppage time all on the same watch face.
SGK provides a modern, clean interface with intuitive controls. For instance, to increase the score, you simply press the score number. To decrease it, you simply tap the H or A. Simple.
This makes SGK an easy-to-use, ideal game-keeping app.
Click to go to the SGK app website.
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